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Your visit to Tikkun supports our community education and restoration projects.

Spend a beautiful day in our ecological center and help us make a difference.

Tikkun tours last for approximately 3 hours and include a walking tour of our center and a talk about our community work.

We provide water, tea, juice, fruits, cheeses, bread, tostadas, and seasonal offerings from our gardens when available.

We offer tours on Thursdays from 10 am to 1 pm, but we can be flexible with larger groups.

We require 3 days notice for sign-ups, and a minimum of 3 people for the tour. Please consider gathering a group of friends to come visit!

To support our work, we appreciate your donation of $950 pesos. You may pay upon arrival.

You can find us on Google Maps under Tikkun Eco Center.

Thank you so much, we look forward to seeing you!

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