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All donations are received with deep gratitude. Please make a gift of whatever you can afford.

General Support & Membership

A general donation of any amount supports Tikkun Eco Center’s educational and ecological community service work in San Miguel de Allende.


Your membership is like rain and sunshine to us, and compost too! Sustaining membership allows us to grow and plan more effectively.

Membership options:

  • Seed Planter: $50 USD or more, one time or annual donation

  • Forest Sustainer: a monthly donation of $10 USD or more (please remember to select the monthly option!)

  • Ecosystem Champion: A one time or annual donation of $500 or more

For larger gifts by direct deposit or by check, please contact us:

Donate or Become a Member


Special Campaigns


Reservoir Restoration & Reforestation

You can help our vulnerable rural communities access safe water, build resilience to climate change and restore local ecosystems.

Become a special supporter of our urgent work to restore historic village rainwater reservoirs and reforest with native and endemic trees.

  • Help rural San Miguel communities survive aquifer depletion, drought and climate change

  • Reforest with biodiverse native trees and cactus

  • Provide salaries for local community workers to plant trees and restore watersheds

  • Provide ecological service learning projects for local students primary school through university

Giving options:

Support the growth and planting 10 native trees

$500: Support the growth and planting 20 native trees

$1000 - $1500 USD:
support planting 50 - 100 native trees and cactus (a tiny forest).

$3000 USD: pay for engineering and planning for reservoir restoration

$10,000 - $25,000 USD: support the excavation of a reservoir.

For larger gifts by direct deposit or by check, please contact us:

Project Specific Support Options Available


Earth School

Ecological service learning

Support our Earth School ecological service learning program.

Your generous donation empowers local and international students to be positive agents of change in their own communities for generations to come.

Giving options:

$250 - $1000 USD: Supports development and purchase of materials for bilingual curriculum (printed, video, website)

$10,000 - $15,000 USD: Supports a full time, local bi-lingual coordinator and educator

For larger gifts by direct deposit or by check, please contact us:

Support the Tikkun Earth School


Tikkun Eco Center is the project of the Centro de Ecología y Economía Sustentable de San Miguel de Allende.
We are an Asociacion Civil registered in the state of Guanajuato.

 All donations made through this website are tax deductible and pass through the U.S. based non-profit Psephos Inc. EIN#: 26-1589877

For special Mexican based donations and gifts, please contact us at